Thursday, October 7, 2010

Think Pink!

So I was reading a friend's  blog and I began to wonder, "Could I do this?"  And I think the answer is, "Yes!"  But, I am not really sure if I am  "blogger" and if anyone will read this or be interested in what I have to say about the world around me.  But, I suppose even if I do not turn out be be a blogger, I will still have an outlet for all the stuff that runs through my head from day to day, so here it goes...

I may not be a blogger, but I am a girl.

I should rephrase that: I am not just saying that I am a female. I am not saying that I am a wife and mother (both of which I am), I am saying that I am a girly-girl.

That's right, I am girly to the core.  My favorite color is pink and I love shoes and handbags. I would get a manicure and a pedicure every week if I could. I love to read about fashion and watch shows like Project Runway and What Not to Wear.  I love to shop for clothes and make up and shoes and handbags and accessories. 

If I have an option to get something in pink, I do.  I have a pink laptop, camera, violin case,  iPod, handbags and shoes.  I even have a pink feather boa, a pink DVD player, and a pink highlight in my hair.  The only reason I do not have a completely pink apartment is because my husband said, "NO!"
I think my friends all talk about me and roll their eyes behind my back about this, and I am sure my sister does, but at the end of the day, they are still my friends and still support my insanity.

So, I may not be a blogger, but I am a girly-girl.

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