Friday, October 29, 2010

Did you know...

that I play the violin?
that was (a historically inaccurate) Laura Ingalls Wilder for Halloween in the 5th grade?
if I could do anything without regards to talent or money, I would be a ballet dancer?
that I once considered trying out for Survivor?
that I love cupcakes?
that I met my DH online?
that I lived in South Dakota for a short time?
that I was a Girl Scout from first through twelfth grade?
I came in 8th out of 18 in a cannonball contest in college?
I have a goal to have my picture taken in front of each state capital or state house?
I routinely call my son the dog's name and vice versa?
I own all 7 seasons of Girlmore Girls on DVD?
I used to rent designer handbags?
I once considered joining the Army?
I think Audrey Hepburn is the classiest and most elegant actress of her generation?
I DVR Jeopardy?
that I hate massages?
I almost always wear mascara?
I ran my first 5k October 31, 2009?
I didn't start drinking coffee until I was in my 30s?
that I am really glad you are reading this?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Love

I may not be a blogger, but I am a mother, and here is my story...

When I found out I was pregnant, I started reading all about pregnancy and birth.  I was fairly certain that I could do a vaginal birth without drugs.  I was more nervous about my DH being at work when I went into labor than doing it without drugs.

Along the way, my blood pressure and weight were just fine.  In fact, my BP was pretty low.  Everything was going fine.  There was one thing that caused the doctor some concern.  It turned out that I had a mid-point cord insertion, the only real complication for this might be low birth weight, so an ultra-sound was ordered to monitor the baby's weight.  It was actually a little big.

This was fine in terms of the cord, but in other ways, not so much.  If the baby (by this time we knew he was a boy) continued to grow in the current trend, he would be over 5000g and we would need to have a c-section.

At the next ultra-sound scheduled to monitor the baby's growth, the estimated weight showed that the baby wasn't gaining as fast and we were out of the C-section woods.

Everything continued just fine.  We attended a childbirth class and I made the decision to go drug free.  I didn't like the side effects for me or the baby.  My DH was totally behind my decision and was hoping that I would chose to go drug free.  I made out my birth plan and began to read everything I could on childbirth without drugs.  I practiced Dr. Bradley's positions and relaxing techniques.  When 38 weeks came along, we packed our bags, put them in the car and installed the car seat.  We found an alternate route to the hospital, just in case. We sat and waited for the baby to came-well not really-we went to a baseball game and the Maine Wildlife park.  When at the doctor's office, I was 1 cm dilated and not effaced each week.

I usually went to the doctor's office on Friday and my due date was on a Thursday.  When making my appointments, I went ahead and made an appointment for the day after my due date.  Since the baby didn't come on his due date, we went to the appointment at which we had an ultrasound to monitor my fluid levels.

After the ultrasound, a pediatric cardiologist came and told us that the baby's aorta looked large and an echo cardiogram after his birth would be given to check on it.  The doctor didn't think it was going to be a problem, but if it was a problem, the fix was nothing to worry about.  I am a worrier, so all I could think about while waiting for my doctor was my tiny baby having a bad heart.

When my doctor came to the exam room, he didn't look quite the same as he usually did.  I thought it was because of the enlarged aorta.  He told us that the baby didn't read the text book and had gained quite a bit of weight in the last few weeks.  His estimated weight was 10 pounds, 10 ounces!  The doctor explained that this estimate could be up to 15% off, putting the baby at between the mid 9 pounds to the low 12 pounds!

He recommended a C-section.

If he mentioned the enlarged aorta, I don't remember.

All I could think about was holding it together in front of the doctor.

He went on to explain, that we could try for a vaginal delivery, but there was a possibility of a broken collarbone and nerve damage, which could be permanent.  He told me that if I were his wife, mother, sister, we could recommend the C-section. So we scheduled it.  We were coming up in the Fourth of July weekend, so the section was scheduled for July 6.

When we got to the car, I had a peace come over me about the C-section.  I knew exactly when the baby was coming and we had time to put everything in order. 

To keep ourselves busy the day before the delivery, we cleaned our apartment form top to bottom and went out for a nice dinner.  I had the best sleep of my pregnancy that night.

I was really nervous all the way to the hospital and all through the check in process.  Our pastor came to pray with us and I felt the same peace wash over me as before. While we waited, we made a list of all the state capitals in alphabetic order.

When DH left to get his scrubs on I wanted to cry out for him to come back and take me home, we would wait until the baby came on his own.  But, I didn't, I was determined to be strong.

While the doctor was giving me the anesthesia, all I could think was, "well, there goes the drug free birth." But, I really wasn't that bad.  The worst part was all that cold soap. As the doctor's got started, I again began to think that I didn't want to do this, but, I told myself that it was too late now.

When DH came in, I felt much better.  I felt the same peace that I had when I saw him as I entered the sanctuary the day we got married. 

The procedure went fine and as the doctors cut his cord, "Brown Eyed Girl" was the song playing in the operating room.  His cries were the most beautiful sound I had ever heard (funny how quickly that changes).

When DH brought him over to me, I couldn't stop looking at his perfect little face.  He weighed 9 pounds 8 ounces. I cried.

I cried from happiness, yes, but also because I had missed out on all the things I had been looking forward to: the excitement of going into labor, having him placed on my chest, watching DH cut the cord, feeding the baby right away.  I prayed and told the Lord how happy I was that He had blessed with a healthy baby and was able to go back to tears of joy.

His aorta is the perfect size.


6 minutes old

Our First Family Portrait

Monday, October 18, 2010

I've Fallen In Love!

I love living in a place that has four seasons.  Each of the seasons is wonderful and beautiful in its own way.  Right now, all the wonderful things about fall invade my thoughts.

The girly-girl in me loves all the fall clothes. I love skirts and tights, fun flats and fashion boots, cozy sweaters, felt and knitted hats, scarves and vests. Not to mention the handbags (is pink a fall color?). And the coats!  I also love all the places to wear such fun fashion: Daughters of the King, Leaf Raking parties, Harvest Parties, Harvest Dinners...

I love the traditions of fall.  We decorate for fall and I get to pull out all the beautiful things that I sadly put away the day after Thanksgiving last year.  It makes the whole house feel warm and cozy.  Plus, my DH makes fires in the fire place that crackle and pop.  We also have "popcorn Thursday."  We pop the kernels on the stove and enjoy it with apple cider while we watch The Office.  One of my favorite traditions in fall was, at one time, being at a football game and marching with the band a half time.  Since those days have past me by, I now enjoy falling asleep on the couch while football is on TV. I like to open the window just enough to need a blanket to snuggle in.

Fall food is incredible!  Chili and cornbread, pot roasts, stews, stuffed peppers, pumpkin and apple pies  and donuts and cider.  There is something about fall that makes me want to spend all day baking!  Of course, with the food comes the outings to pick apples and hayrides to find perfect pumpkins-both of which I have done this year, baby in tow.

It may go against the girly-girl thing. but there is something magical about being outside in the fall.  The air is just cool enough and there is the faintest sweetness mixed with wood smoke aroma in the air.  There is something about the way the blue sky mixes with the colors of the leaves and evergreens that speaks to me.  I am so glad that God has given us the ability to appreciate the beauty of his creation.

Sometimes I think I might be happy if fall was all year, but then I think that it might not be so special to me.  So, I'll take it for the short time it is here and try to love every day of it. I'm sure that by the time the last leaves fall and the snow begins, I'll be ready for the winter (is pink a winter color?).

Saturday, October 9, 2010

To a First Time Mother,

I received this poem in a card.  It touched my heart, and I hope it touches yours as well.

Relax my dear, your little elf
is just an amateur himself.

So if your hands, so newly filled with tasks
Seem somewhat less than skilled,

Relax, I say. This little pinkling
Doesn't have the slightest inkling

That you are new to baby lore--
He's never had a MOM before.

Author Unknown

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Think Pink!

So I was reading a friend's  blog and I began to wonder, "Could I do this?"  And I think the answer is, "Yes!"  But, I am not really sure if I am  "blogger" and if anyone will read this or be interested in what I have to say about the world around me.  But, I suppose even if I do not turn out be be a blogger, I will still have an outlet for all the stuff that runs through my head from day to day, so here it goes...

I may not be a blogger, but I am a girl.

I should rephrase that: I am not just saying that I am a female. I am not saying that I am a wife and mother (both of which I am), I am saying that I am a girly-girl.

That's right, I am girly to the core.  My favorite color is pink and I love shoes and handbags. I would get a manicure and a pedicure every week if I could. I love to read about fashion and watch shows like Project Runway and What Not to Wear.  I love to shop for clothes and make up and shoes and handbags and accessories. 

If I have an option to get something in pink, I do.  I have a pink laptop, camera, violin case,  iPod, handbags and shoes.  I even have a pink feather boa, a pink DVD player, and a pink highlight in my hair.  The only reason I do not have a completely pink apartment is because my husband said, "NO!"
I think my friends all talk about me and roll their eyes behind my back about this, and I am sure my sister does, but at the end of the day, they are still my friends and still support my insanity.

So, I may not be a blogger, but I am a girly-girl.