Thursday, January 19, 2012

6 Months???

Has it really been 6 months since my last post? Yes, it has! I'm very sorry to all my followers. I keep a notebook with blog ideas in it and I write in in at least once a week. But, alas, I never seem to get time to sit down and post on the computer. You know, where other people can read the ideas I have.

So, today as I tried to sneak a few minutes to write in my notebook, I thought, "Why don't you sit on the computer and do this? Then you don't need to copy what you have written."

This may be a no-brainer to some of you, but I am one of those people that still writes out on paper and then types.  I did that in high school, college and grad school. I know it seems silly, but when I started writing papers in junior high, computers weren't what they are now. When I learned to write, I was taught to do research and take notes, then write an outline, then a rough draft, edit/revise/edit, and then type a final draft. That's the way I have pretty much done it ever since.

So, I will now do my best to ditch the notebook and write on the computer, and maybe, just maybe, write more.

Since you probably do not really care to read what was going on 6 months ago, I will start with the idea I has initially intending to write.

Why do cookies stick to my cookie sheets and not my "meat lumps"?

First, I will explain what a "meat lump" is. I love to make chicken meatballs for my spaghetti dinners. They are very tasty and are a healthier alternative to beef meatballs.  But, I don't like to touch ground chicken (or actually any raw chicken). Plus, I'm too lazy to actually roll the meat into balls. So I just use a couple of spoons to scoop the meat up and put it onto the cookie sheet, kind of like I would do with cookie dough. It's more of a lump than a ball, so I started to call them that. And in my house, it just kind of stuck.

Ok, so back to the sticky-ness.

A good friend of mine had a craft night and I decided to make cookies to bring along. It was a great idea until I tried to take them off the pan. About 1/2 of them stuck and were just crumbs when I finally got them off the sheet (another guest at the craft night suggested sprinkling the crumbs over ice cream-which is a GREAT idea).

My friend suggested parchment paper, which I bought the next time I went to the store. I worked so great! All my cookies came off the sheet with no problem! Plus, none of them had dark brown bottoms and they were all chewy!

But, my meat lumps have never stuck! I never spray the pan first, and I have never used parchment paper. The idea of using paper turns me off because I imagine the chicken fat puddling on the paper and that is unappetising.

Every time I make meat lumps I think about this I think I have figured it out. It's the fat, the same fat that I don't want to puddle up is what keeps them from sticking.

I some how find that interesting...I hope you do to. :)

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