Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Word (?)

Bradley turned 1 year old two weeks ago (stay tuned for pictures).  Lots of people have been asking me if he's talking yet. Because as we all know, babies start talking as soon as they turn one.

Well, Bradley does plenty of "talking." Lots of babbling, cooing, and happy raspberries count?  However, he really doesn't say words, he doesn't really name anything...until maybe now.

I have noticed over the last week or so, while I am preparing Bradley's breakfast, he has been chanting, "nana nana nana." This usually starts while I am cutting his banana.  I have been wondering if he is naming the banana.

Today, in the grocery store, I was walking through the produce section narrating as usual.

"Oh, look at these blueberries, let's get some."

Crickets from Bradley.

"Bradley, should we get some strawberries? Maybe you can try one this week."


"How about some fuzzy Kiwi fruit?  They come from New Zealand. Cathy from our church is from New Zealand."

Smiles, but no sounds.

"We need lots of bananas. We need some really green ones, some kind of green ones and some that will be ready for tomorrow." (We eat lots of bananas in the Spotts house.)

"Nana Nana Nana Nana!"

"Bradley, are you saying 'banana'"?

"Nana Nana Nana!" While he is saying this he is bouncing up and down in the seat.  As I put them in the cart he is turning around to look at them and reaching for them.

"Nana Nana Nana!"

I was really hoping is first real word would be so form of "mama."  I would even settle for a form of "daddy" or "doggie."  I will have to be more observant when bananas are around to see if it sticks.

 Maybe I should pull out my early education stuff and see what qualifies as a first word, and who knows, maybe he is trying to say, "Joanna."

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