Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wise Words

When Bradley was first born, I had a hard time nursing him. 

One night, at the end of my rope I made a call to a friend.  While I was sobbing, this wise friend told me that God was giving me this situation so that I could one day help someone else who was having this problem.  I remember thinking (and maybe saying) that I didn't want to help anyone else, I just wanted this to work for me.

Well, today, that wise friend's words came true.  I was able to give wise words to someone else in need.  It felt really good to be able to help this new friend.  All that pain and suffering, all the tears, all the frustration, all the dread, it all came back to me as I was offering my advice. 

And it was all worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwwwwwwww! I love how God brings things full-circle (even when we least expect it) and those moments when we are truly able to see His hand so that we can remember how faithful He has always been to us, always being there even in the tough times when we feel like saying "Where are you God?!" We are only vessels....exciting that God is using you and you are experiencing it and your heart and mind are open to His greater work! He is GOOD!
